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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Review & Resolutions

Last year I decided to stop being hung up on the things about M.E. that suck - & believe me there are LOADS of those - & start to focus on the things in my life that were awesome. So I put together this jar & every time something good happened I would write it down on a piece of paper & put it in the jar.
I thought that before I did my resolutions for the new year I might share a few of the good bits of 2013 with you guys. So, in no particular order...
Okay, so now for resolutions.
I'm trying not to go crazy, I know that the bigger the resolution you make, the less likely it is to happen so my resolutions are very simple:
  1. Try to get out of my fashion & make up comfort zone - once a month get something that "is cute but probably won't work sitting down" or "is cute but won't really work with my colouring" or "is cute but a little....out there" & then make it work.
  2. Work on putting up at least one outfit post a fortnight (ideally one a week).
  3. Finish Bio Shock Infinite
  4. Learn HTML - or learn enough


  1. thanks for sharing the good stuff from last year. I am impressed you found so much to enjoy...I know how hard it can be to see the positives when you are ill. You are obviously a strong person.

    My resolutions for the new year are to cook more interesting family is bored of the usual round of meals I cook.
    I will also try to have more fun. As a mum I tend to get caught up in all the jobs that need doing and forget I need time for me as well.

    1. I wish I was a strong person, I'm just a stupidly stubborn person :)
      Those sound like good resolutions, I hope you do well with them, I'd love to hear how you get on :)


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