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Friday, 30 May 2014

Wheelchair Fashion: The Style Is In The Details

Do you know that until this year I had never bought a clutch bag?
I now have two - because that's how these things work - & this is one of them. What I love about this clutch bag is that it is embellished enough to be worn on an evening but also elegant (& big) enough to be used in the day time.
Lets call this a day to night outfit. It's something I would wear to something like a posh event during the day or nice cocktails on an evening.
I actually wore this out to the park on a cold grey afternoon for about 30minutes to take these photos & then sit at my laptop watching trash TV. Totally worth it!
The basic components of this outfit are cute but the reason this outfit works (in my opinion anyway) is the details, the accessories....the cute little pieces that I usually miss out because they are exhausting to choreograph.
After seeing how all of this works I might put a little bit more effort into my accessories.
*Necklace: ModCloth * Jumper: Old, Similar here & here * Vest: Old, Similar here * Belt: FCUK * Skirt: Old, Similar here *
* Clutch: Accessorize * Cuff: Old, Similar here * Heels: Old, Similar here *
I really can't think of anything else to say for this outfit, I only wore it for 30 minutes. I have to say though, I can't believe I hadn't put together this outfit before, it is a super cute combination. Put it down to having totally forgotten about this skirt before this week.

The nominations for the Cosmo blog awards close on the 2nd of June & I totally feel like I'm getting pushy but if anyone wants to nominating me, the link is here. If I was campaigning for a blog award it would be 'best new fashion blog' (how cool would it be to see a wheelchair user in that category?).
Obviously there are a lot of blogs out there way better than mine, so there is no need for you to nominate me for anything. The fact that you read the random stuff I post is more than enough.
Thank you ^^


  1. Best 30 minutes :)

    I have done the same :)

    1. I feel like it's suck a cliché blogger thing but if it works lol :)


  2. I'm such a fan of matching colour tones and accessories. It makes a look really polished and put together. Looking lovely!

    1. Thank you. Me too, particularly if it matches enough to work together but isn't so matchy-matchy that it looks weird.... I feel like that didn't make a lot of sense lol


  3. Looking gorgeous here! Your skirt is such a lovely shape for wearing in the chair I think I'm going to have to invest in something similar. That bag is just beautiful too!

    1. Thank you :)
      These soft but full midi skirts are the best trend for the wheelchair yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they never go out of style (& therefore the shops).


  4. I love your outfit! So cute! Blue + white are a favorite color combination for summer. That clutch is simply gorgeous. Keep up the great work! :)

  5. That clutch is gorgeous. I love clutches but never buy them because I always worry about carrying but it just dawned on me that when I use my chair I wouldnt have to carry it so now I think im going to have to buy one (or maybe two)
    Beth x

    1. Lmao, I was the same. I love clutches but had never thought of getting one but I LOVE them & now I have....two I use them all the time ^^

      Sally x


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