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Friday, 6 June 2014

Wheelchair Fashion: Parisian Basics

Everyone has a favourite style, something that they admire in outfits & attempt to emulate. For me that is....simple? Classic?
I like outfits that are minimal but also beautiful; a combination of elements that work together so well it looks organic, like the outfit just happened the way flowers & mountains & trees just happen. Yeah, I know, aim for the impossible why don't I but that is what I like...
When I talk about that kind of style I call it Parisian - effortless Parisian chic...
Honestly, that kind of style is difficult for me to achieve in my wheelchair. Possibly because I am still learning the ropes but honestly? I think it's more than that. In a wheelchair there are no clean lines & I don't really know how to explain that statement right now (I'll probably do a more detailed post in the future when I have more energy) but believe me when I say sitting down can take an outfit from "OMG" to "ehhh, it'll do" faster than you could possibly believe. The simpler the outfit the faster it happens.
My way of getting around it, the way that I think is working for me, is investing in my basics. Making sure that the fabric is as nice as possible so that - even when I am sat down - the fabric hangs nicely.

This top from French Connection was part of my birthday present & despite being an eany-weeny bit see-through - okay, quite see through, I had to wear another vest underneath (see-through seems to be very in right now...) - the top is silk & hung much nicer than it appears to in these pictures. I felt really cool wearing it, & I really felt like the outfit worked. Especially once I'd finished accessorising.
I really can't believe I got into midi-rings, I thought they were so hipster & weird when people first started wearing them. I really like them though, they are pretty much the only way I can wear rings with my incredibly puffy fingers... All the rings I'm wearing here are from last summer, I already seem to have lost the ones I got this year which totally sucks because they were really cute...
How gorgeous is this pearl necklace? My grandparents got this for my birthday & it's one of the nicest presents I've ever gotten! I've yet to manage a photo of this that does it's just so pretty & sheeny...I didn't know real pearls looked like this!

What are your favourite styles? What clothing to you invest in? And what is with the sheer clothing thing? Is it just me who thinks it is majorly weird?


  1. Happy Birthday, hope you had fun. Yes I totally agree see through clothing is just not a good idea, ever, whoever is wearing it! That may just be my age speaking but maybe not.

    1. Thank you :)
      I really don't understand see through closes either & I'm not that old ^^

      Sally x


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