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Friday, 21 November 2014

Wheelchair Fashion: Vintage Camera & New Tattoo

So, I'm showing off my 3 cool new things in one post: my film slr, my tattoo & this camera print scarf ^^

I'm not 100% happy with how the pictures turned out but it's difficult to take any ootd pictures in winter so I posted these anyway....

I guess technically this is showing off my 4 new things because this is my new winter bag. It ended up being almost invisible in most of the shots so here it is in detail. From accessorize & super cute ^^


  1. Love! What's the story behind the tattoo???

    1. It's kind of a long story but the short version is that it's a metaphor for a song that meant a lot to me when I first got sick...

      Sally xx

  2. Your handbag is lovely, I now know what I want Santa to bring!

    I have never been a fan of tattoos, my brother got one in Uni and if you could see it you'd understand, but yours is so classy and beautiful. I really like it.

    1. Thank you & isn't it a great bag? There is so much space & it pretty much goes with everything ^^

      Sally x

  3. Totally worth showing showing off all you awesome stuff! A really really cute tattoo!

    1. Thank you :) I'm totally hooked on tattoos now, I'm getting my next one on the 18th of December ^^

      Sally x

  4. I love that scarf!!! Scarves are one of my favourite things, sometimes I even wear them indoors, haha!

    xo Kit

    1. lmao, I do that too :)
      I have a huge love-hate relationship with scarves - I love them but I hate the way they make me look - but this one is so cute & it actually doesn't look too bad on me....


  5. You should do a post about your tattoos! :)

  6. What a cute tattoo Sally. It's so unusual to see one in yellow- I love that! Is it a very personal story behind it? If not and you'd be happy to share, I'd love to hear the story behind it.
    Hope you're doing okay.
    Freckles and All

    1. Thank you ^^ Yellow tattoo ink comes up very red & rash like on the skin when it's first put into the skin so it's not usually one that tattooers have in portfolios etc but I LOVE how it looks. It is a quite personal story but it's not one I mind telling other spoonies, I just feel SUPER akward telling it to 'healthy' people....^^

      Sally xx


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