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Friday, 31 July 2015

Wheelchair Fashion: Evening Florals

Hi again. This recovering from my holiday thing has thrown my body way out of whack, my energy is dipping drastically between 12 & 3 & peaking after 5.30 (which I would have sworn was impossible).
This weird evening energy boost meant that when earlier this week we went out for a meal (which used all of my saved up energy & was totally worth it) we went out in the evening making it my first evening out since I went to Red's with a bunch of bloggers last summer.

The restaurant we went to was actually just down the road from Red's, it's an amazing Latin restaurant (Las Iguanas) with a cool mix of Mexican & South American cuisine & a crazy number of cocktails (more on that later).

First this dress (yes this is a single dress!).
This dress is from Scarlett & Jo, I got it to wear for the powerchair football presentation evening but I ended up being too ill to go...
The dress is incredibly comfortable & uber flattering! To start with the sleeves are 3/4 length which look the best on me, the neckline is cute & I particularly like the piping details. The pattern on the skirt is pretty much the only large floral print I've ever liked, the under skirt is amazing & has a row of netting on the bottom which ends up creating a petticoat effect :) The waist band on the skirt is awesome as well, it sits exactly where I like to wear belts ^^
Seriously this dress could have been made for me, it's so easy to wear & super pretty. It's the ultimate easy to wear outfit.

Anyway the restaurant. We kind of went all out, getting starters, mains & puddings (if you're going to us a heck of a lot of energy you may as well make the most of it). It was also happy hour when we went so we ended up with two of ever drink we ordered, so my brother ended up with 4 cocktails (& I got to have an awful lot of sips ^^). They also have non alcoholic cocktails so I got two of those :)

I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures in restaurants (especially when I'm tired) so I haven't got any pictures so I'll just have to tell you how awesome it was. It was really really good ^^ There done.
No, erm...the food is Latin which is like my favourite flavour profile, spicy but not hot & super tasty with a lot of corn, squash, plantains etc.

I'm pretty sure you won't find me listing what we ate interesting but I think that what I ate is really interesting so I'm going to tell you anyway ^^
My main was a peanut curry with chicken & crayfish in which sounds like it should have been just like Thai satay type dishes but was amazingly full Latin flavours & absolutely delicious. My dessert was also really interesting, it was Tres Leche cake (on the menu as caramel cake but it was totally Tres Leche cake). Tres Leche cake is sponge soaked in a milk mixture topped with caramelised cream & caramel & the flavours are divine, especially in the caramelised cream which is incredible.

Anyway, that's my day out for the fortnight. Hopefully next time I will put on better make up, get better pictures & remember to take pictures of the food ^^

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