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Friday 23 October 2015

Wheelchair Fashion: Golden Morning Pin Up

This is going to be a bit of a photo heavy post but I am living the fierce fish fantasy, serving face & body-ody-ody for days (and speaking the drag queen lingo that goes with it).
Honestly though I can't tell you how amazing I felt in this outfit - taking photos I felt untouchable, beautiful & fabulous, seriously people spend years of their lives dieting/having surgery/having therapy to feel as good as I felt & it is all because of this top!
I can't begin to tell you how long I have been lusting over this top, I think I first started before I got sick (so 5 yrs +) but the price (£55 @ deadly is the female) always stopped me from taking that step & buying it.....I can't explain how much I regret not getting it earlier!!!

I decided that this autumn I wanted to do one of those classic autumn ootd posts with autumn leaves thrown at me to be caught in motion by the camera & a handful or acorns or conkers or pine cones or some other equally cliche thing & this outing was supposed to be the day I got it. The previous few days had been dry, the morning was going to be light & I was hoping to get out for morning golden hour, before the sunrise, to get the perfect photos in a wood near where I live.
Well the wood was pitch black when we got there (after getting up at 7am on sheer force of will....the crazy things I do for my own perfectionism) so we went back via a park hoping to get something & ended up getting these photos which are better than any fashion blogger lens flare dream photos I have ever designed in my head, I am SO happy with them!!!!

The outfit is, well to call it an experiment is putting it mildly. It was the first time I've worn shape wear I think since before I got ill & then I think I was still in my goth light phase & wearing corsets with jeans & t-shirts. Ever since I had the pre-M.E. organ problems my abdomen has been very tender & I've not felt anything that pressed to be worth the risk but I felt this top kind of required shapewear so I got some which is nice & all but it has an awful tendency to ride up & dig into my liver & kidneys when I transfer from car to wheelchair, I think I've worked out a way to stop it from doing that next time but seriously, what is wrong with shape wear that staying where it is supposed to be!
The top is, as I said, goddess wear :) Made by pin up girl clothing, I bought it through deadly is the female cause they are in the uk & it made shipping cheaper :)
The skirt is actually a dress from lindy bop :) I unzipped it, pushed the top inside the bottom part so it looked like a skirt, zipped it up as far as it would go, belted it & voila! I felt super clever that I worked that out, particularly since I don't really fill out the top of the dress (my boobs & waist being out of proportion now I'm a little bigger) & it was just hanging in my wardrobe accusingly.
The belt is old from asos, the shoes are old from acessorize & I think the tights are from M&S....

I'm loving these pin up-ish, vintage-ish looks & they work very well in a wheelchair. As a former hourglass, the best shape for me in my wheelchair is something with a full midi skirt, ideally with emphasis at the waist so as to replicate the shape that I have had stood up & this is a classic 1940's/1950's look that you find all through out vintage & vintage reproduction clothing.
More than that though these looks make me feel super powerful & really beautiful. I can't imagine anything I would feel more attractive in than this outfit, so expect to see a lot more of this kind of fashion on the blog ^^

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