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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Christmas Gift Guide: Advent Calendars

Anybody else think the best bit of Christmas is the advent calendar? Just me?
Whatever your feelings about them, I think it is very appropriate that the first post in my Christmas series is all about Advent Calendars. I have a whole month of Christmas crazy planned, including a DIY advent calendar, festive baking, gift guides & maybe a lookbook. But for now, whether it's for you or not, here are this years best ways to count down to Christmas.
Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar. I got this for my brother as a birthday present (he may be 19 but he is a nerd so...Lego + Star Wars = nerd-vana) & it is so cute! There isn't anything about this advent calendar that isn't cool, however good the rest of the calendars are, this one has to be my favourite.

Freedom Advent Jewellery Calendar. This one may not be much of a look-er but behind each of those doors there is a cute piece of jewellery - a necklace, a bracelet or even a pair of earrings. I'm sorry but this is so awesome.

Felt So Good Advent Calendar. If you like to fill your own advent calendar, this one is super cute. Seriously, it's a garland of tiny stockings. What could be cuter? This would be adorable for a kids room or a mantle piece, or anywhere else really. I can think of at least 10 places it could be put in my teeny tiny little house.

Ciate Mini Mani Month. Okay, if the Lego Star Wars one comes in at first place, this one has to come in as a very close second. It's such a good idea, I don't know about you but I almost never finish a full-sized bottle of nail polish, whatever the colour. Plus I love the Ciate polishes, they tend to get forgotten because of all the crazy textured sets they do but their polishes are stunning.

Playmobil Winter Wonderland Advent Calendar. Okay, lego is cool but does anyone else remember playmobil being better for girls? This stuff was harder to get hold of when I was a kid but I remember loving it. It was always more play friendly (my brother always used to build the lego things & then put them on a shelf...).

Docrafts Lucy Cromwell Advent Calendar Kit. If you want to do a DIY advent calendar you should totally check back next week because I will be going a DIY tutorial...I am very proud of it so you have to promise to come back. If you want something that is a little simpler (a.k.a. something where you don't have to find the components in the craft store) this is a cute option that would be fun for making with a younger sibling or kids.

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