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Saturday, 7 December 2013

Christmas Tag

You would not believe that Christmas isn't my favourite time of year when you've seen my all the blog posts I've been doing. But it really isn't. I don't like Christmas that much, well other than the prep stuff & the gifts....
As you'll see I guess, with this Christmas Tag that I borrowed off of h)ttp://

1) Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?

I've never had a real Christmas tree.....the house I've lived in my whole life is a tiny terrace, so small that we've never had the Christmas tree up for more than a week (usually it goes up on Christmas Eve & comes down Boxing Day) & real trees need a little more dedication than that...

2) You're in a coffee shop in December, what do you pick?

Well I don't drink coffee so it'd have to be a hot chocolate....I've always wanted to try hot chocolate with a shot of raspberry syrup...maybe that.

3) What's your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?

I like rustic, white & family tree traditionally includes red too so I include that...

4) Giving or receiving?

Giving, definitely. I actually don't like getting presents that much....I hate surprises & I feel guilty when I receive nice gifts...

5) To mince pie or not to mince pie?

I love mince pies but I usually get about one a year because my dad is a vacuum cleaner whether he likes the food or not.

6) What is your traditional Christmas lunch?

We actually don't have a traditional Christmas lunch...we have a traditional Christmas Eve tea though where we have sandwiches & crisps & eat while watching a film.

7) Christmas Day fashion?

I usually just wear clothes....recently my family is being more formal over Christmas so I'm more careful.

8) What is your favourite Christmas song?

The original version of Santa Baby, the version by Eartha Kitt. No-one can best that version!

9) What's your favourite Christmas film?

Well if it has to be a film 'It's a Wonderful Life' or 'Life of Brian' but my favourite is the BBC 'The Box of Delights' TV series.

10) Open presents before or after lunch?

After breakfast as always, or my brother & I have been known to give each other the main gift on Christmas Eve cause sitting downstairs means full family & Dad is hard work...


  1. He's a very naughty boy lol Loved reading your answers. Hope you get some respite from your family this Christmas
    Love Vicky

    1. Thanks & I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I'm mot expecting miracles...unfortunately x


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