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Friday, 7 November 2014

Wheelchair Fashion: Autumn Purples

My natural brown hair started to really show at the roots & bleaching them really wasn't going to happen (too fiddly) so I dyed over the lot with a brown & it ended up this kind of conker purple colour. LOVING IT almost more than the bright purple.
This entire outfit was kind of inspired by the purple colour my hair has gone ^^


  1. These colours are stunning on you, they match your hair perfectly!

  2. I agree, the new hair colour is amazing! :) This outfit really works especially from a colour point of view! xxx

    1. Thank you :) I was worried it was almost too matchy-matchy....

      Sally xx

  3. I love the new hair! Its great when just trying something works out so well. You look gorgeous in these colours, some of my favourite colours!

  4. Absolutely love the new hair colour... How cool to be able to match outfits to it! Looking lovely as ever in these photos Sally.


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