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Friday, 12 January 2018

Wheelchair Fashion: Once upon a snowy morning

Hi everyone. Long time no see. Thank you for sticking with me.
I’m finding blogging increasingly overwhelming lately so I'm not sure I'll be posting very often. Maybe twice a season. Maybe.
I really would like to post more but as this post took almost a month to put together I'm not sure it's feasible...
Make sure to check on my Instagram though, I post on there usually a few times a week. It's a mixture of outfit photos, flat lays & pictures of my adorable cat, hopefully it'll tide you over till my next blog post :)

So, this outfit post. My idea when I heard it was going to snow was to do a whole Narnia concept complete with photo in front of a lamppost. My clothes kind of got away with me however & I ended up with this whole fairy tale theme instead. To me it feels like a kind of Snow White meets Red Riding Hood, Grimm's Fairy Tales, blood on the snow vibe you know? Kind of with a bit of a fae, old magic Wild Hunt feel, at least in my mind.
I guess there's just something about people with pale skin & dark hair wearing red in a snowy landscape that instantly feels a little ominous in a fairy tale way..... I think the trees help too, so maybe it's pale people, wearing red, in snowy landscape surrounded by trees that's ominous in a fairy tale way... This is getting us no where.
(Blood on the snow is a reference to Indexing by Seanan McGuire btw. Also the Hogfather by Terry Pratchett but Indexing is more relevant in this case, this whole thing is making me think of the Whiteout Wood where the Snow Whites live...).

The original outfit concept had been Narnia (I was thinking my House of Haute plaid skirt, an olive leaf pattern cardigan I have from Collectif Clothing, a cream blouse & this hat) but when I looked in my wardrobe this skirt practically screamed at me. The last time I wore it for a post was about this time last year for that year's Christmas look & it has to be one of my favourite pieces. For a starters it always looks like it's in motion (which makes it a stunning piece for wheelchair users), for another thing it rustles when you walk & I always get an almost childlike sense of glee in that. I think it unlocks the sensory memory of those ugly taffeta party dresses that were a thing for little girls when I was a kid that I loved & but my mum couldn’t afford (plus I didn’t need one & they were ugly & when I was actually able to buy a party dress I always picked something else because even as a kid I kind of knew they were ugly....). They used to have a whole rack of them near the checkout in the BHS we went to & I thought they were the greatest thing ever, I don’t even think they make them anymore....
[Edit: I checked & wow, kids partywear has moved on a LOT since I was a kid! I guess puff sleeves, cheap faux velvet stuff & ugly scratchy lace are out of style these]

It definitely feels like a party item. Unfortunately they don't make it anymore, like I said it was a last year Christmas item but people at Collectif clothing, if you are reading this PLEASE MAKE MORE!!!!! I'm thinking a teal maybe & a silvery grey? Maybe a dusty pink or lavender for summer? I would buy ALL OF maybe a few for giveaways....

Other than the beret (my favourite from Imogens Imagination on Etsy), the gloves (vintage), the tights (M&S thermals) & the shoes (Lulu Hun from Collectif Clothing, also out of stock but only just. Sorry) the rest of the outfit is from Modcloth.
Let me re-phrase that, the other key pieces are from Modcloth. That sounds much better :)
Modcloth is one of the few places I can find blouses I like in sizes I can wear so other than my beloved Collectif clothing pussy bow blouse most of my tops come from Modcloth. As do a lot of my thinner cardigans, mostly because I am in love with their Charter School Cardigans. I just love the shape of them (they are a regular length cardigan which I actually like better than most cropped cardigans, especially when I'm wearing skirts, & the fine knit makes them sit beautifully on my shape) & the colours they come in. This grey is an old one & they don't have this exact colour any more but they always have lovely new colours coming in so I like to keep an eye out.
This top looks really beautiful. The problem with this top is that it was washed once (once!) on a gentle wash before it started to bobble & turn grey. Which really sucks because it is SUPER pretty. It's one of those pieces that isn't the obvious choice but that really sends an outfit over the top once you put it on. Hopefully the top I got is just a random dud but I'd be hesitant about buying it again...

So that was my snow outfit.... I hope that this post makes up for the wait :)
Like I said I won't be posting as often but if there are any specific posts you guys would be interested in seeing please let me know & I will try to get round to it (energy permitting).

Thank you again for sticking with me :)


  1. Sorry to hear you won't be posting as often. What gorgeous photos with your red skirt in the snow!. I am also a wheelchair user who likes vintage inspired fashion.

  2. Don't apologise for not posting that often! I'm sure anyone can understand and your pictures are getting better and better each time, so they'll last longer. šŸ˜‰

  3. Don't apologise for not posting that often! I'm sure anyone can understand and your pictures are getting better and better each time, so they'll last longer. šŸ˜‰

  4. I always absolutely love your photoshoots, and this is no exception!
    Take care of yourself! x


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