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Friday, 3 January 2014


My new years resolution was to do a fashion post a fortnight & I am getting on top of that as much as possible. My aim is to have 'fashion Friday' posts every week...this is the first one I guess.
Thank you to Alexandra from Into the Woods for her advice on taking outfit photos I the wheelchair, it has really helped & made a huge difference to my confidence. I actually feel pretty in these pictures....and I only had to get my brother to take 10-15 pictures - rather than the 20-30 unusable photos I usually end up with. Not that these match up to the quality of picture on Into the Woods but they are good enough for me.
Oh, yeah....the skirt. It's awesome isn't it? Part of my 'getting-out-of-my-fashion-box' resolution...I loved it but I hummed & harred for so long it was out of stock. Thankfully Ruche got it back in but I spent a good week kicking myself for being a colossal idiot.
They really are out of stock now but this one is kind of similar - now Christmas is over there are slim pickings in the sequined fashion department...

What do you think of this outfit?
Is it something you would be willing to wear? Or is it a little crazy now Christmas is over?


  1. I love the sequin skirt. It comes across as a rose gold in the pictures (which really are gorgeous by the way). You're really glowing - keep doing what you're doing.
    Love Vicky


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