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Monday, 4 August 2014

Anatomical Eye Products: Puffy the Eye Bag Slayer & Eye Cream, You Scream

You know how on ASOS you can put things in your 'save for later' & they expire after 60 days of being in your 'save for later'? I don't know about you but I have the terrible habit of putting things in my save for later over & over again & never getting around to buying them. Things where I'm interested & would like to try them but really I need a bit of a push.
These eye patches/masks or whatever were like that. I knew I didn't NEED them so I kept hovering & hovering, undecided until I opened up my Blog Yorkshire gift bag & found one.
Anatomicals is a really funky brand that do skincare (& I think body washes & hair care) quite affordably aimed at teenagers & students mostly.
So when they are doing eye creams & eye masks they're not going to be the intensive must-get-rid-of-wrinkles-&-stay-looking-young eye creams other brands do. It's more of a casual I'm-exhausted-but-don't-want-to-look-it eye cream, which works for me ^^
I've been a fan of Anatomicals' 'eye cream, you scream, we all scream for eye cream' for a while. It is VERY affordable (£4.50) & very gentle, even my mum who's eyes hurt wearing eyeshadow agrees this is very gentle. I mostly use it as a mixer to tone down the extreme effects of other eye-creams but even on it's own it is lightly moisturising & very soothing. A lot like the eye patches actually.
I'm trying to put off talking about the eye patches & it's silly really. I was so exited about trying these that I really wanted them to work & I'm just not sure they really did anything. It's probably because of my under-eye & I'm sure they'd work differently on someone else & it wasn't like they weren't soothing but I just.....I really don't think they did anything. Let me explain it properly.

I have genetic dark circles, deep set eyes that are really puffy right next to the eye ball. If I apply a super moisturising eye cream all the skin in the hollows under my eyes puffs up until I can't open my eyes. I was hoping that these patches would help with the dark circles
My brothers literally didn't notice the eye pads (which kind of explains why they don't ever compliment my pretty eye makeup) but they are pretty noticeable by normal people
The patches are this really slippery, damp plastic-y stuff that you are told to use once, you apply them to your under eye area, wait half an hour & then remove. Half an hour is a really long time but they adhere pretty well to your skin without being at all sticky. They are really cool & moisturising, feeling almost like a nice light serum was being continually applied to my under-eye area. But after half an hour of wearing them....this was the before & after:
Other than actually waking up enough to open my eyes all the way, I'm not sure I can tell a difference & definitely not a difference worth wearing eye masks for half an hour to achieve. Maybe you can tell a difference but all I know is that it took the same amount of concealer to cover my bags as it usually does.

Overall, would I purchase the eye masks?

They are inexpensive (£6) so it is possible that I'll try them out again but I'm pretty sure I won't. I just don't know that for me personally they do that much good & them not being re-usable can be really expensive.


  1. I've never tried anything like this before, I think they made a slight difference, but yeah, I like the differences I see to be pretty good. Half an hour though! That's long!

    ~ K

    1. I think them having to be on for half an hour was my main problem with them, half an hour is a really long time so the results should be seriously noticeable.....ehh, they were fun to try :)

      Sally x

  2. haha I just love how your brotehrs didn't notice you were wearing them! :)

    1. I kind of did too, I'm definitely going to stop expecting them to notice when I'm wearing new clothes or a cool lipstick ;)

      Sally x

  3. I think the eye patches have made a slight difference. I love the Anatomical range! So punny and quirky :)

    1. Anatomicals do the best stuff & they always have the silliest names ^^

      Sally x


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