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Friday, 30 January 2015

Everyday Fashion: Accidental Fashionista

The weather has been seriously conspiring against my efforts to blog. First it snowed - which could have been good except it melted really quickly into a grey slush - then it rained & now it is unendingly cold & grey & miserable.
Add to that a schedule (not mine) that has made going to town (where most of my in door photos are taken) impossible & you will end up with a very frustrated blogger.

These pictures were taken on Tuesday after I got back from yet another fruitless photo taking mission. I'd had to remove my belt (my abdomen was screaming at me) & I was at my new desk working out some of my frustration playing with mixed media (my new obsession).

Having started scrapbooking I always have my camera downstairs & I guess my mum thought it was a good time to take pictures...
It did mean that you guys ended up getting an outfit post this week which I'm pretty sure wouldn't have happened otherwise, unless pjotd is a thing? I feel like it should be a thing, maybe next time I have no pictures that's what you'll get ^^

I got this top on my ill fated John Lewis trip (for a tiny fraction of the original price). Super cute top but the best bit has to be the quote on the back. I love clothes that have easter eggs like this (you know like you get easter eggs on DVDs? or am I showing my age?).

Anyway, this is what I was working on. This is actually in the very early stages the finished page looked quite different (I filled in a lot of that white space to start with ^^).

Do you guys like these 'everyday' posts or would you rather I just posted wheelchair fashion looks?


  1. That top is gorgeous! I love the quote on the shoulder- What a cute detail!

    1. Isn't it? I wish the brand had more stuff with cute details like that, although my bank account is very relieved they don't ^^

      Sally xx

  2. I enjoy hearing about daily life, personally. I especially love the candid look of these photos. I'm curious, how does the M.E. affect your arms?

    1. My M.E. affect my arms a lot less than my legs (which are very weak & buckle quite a lot) but I struggle with fine detailed work & get tired quite quickly. I can get a lot of joint pain in my arms but that doesn't start until mid afternoon if I'm carful not to do too much.

      Sally xx


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