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Friday, 3 July 2015

Wheelchair Fashion: Lavender Heatwave

Oh my gosh the heat is ridiculous! I used to love heat, honestly right up until this year I had greeted the approach of hot, summer weather with much joy.
This year however my body seems to have fallen out with the heat & the warmer it gets the more my joints swell up & the worse my back pain gets. Plus it draws the benefits tourists across the street out of their houses to make excessive noise until 11/12 at night making it impossible to rest!

One good thing about the heat though is the necessity to leave the house, leave the city & get somewhere with a stiff breeze & air that doesn't taste of sweat (you know what I'm talking about).

Wednesday (when the temperature got as high as 30 degrees C!) we all packed up & went to Yorkshire Lavender. I've posted an ootd taken at Yorkshire Lavender before with more of a review of the tea room so I won't bother to do one this time but let's just say the quality hasn't diminished (even though the number of coach parties seems to have increased).

It being early July the lavender wasn't at it's best yet, fortunately the wild flowers were & with all the sunshine & heat & the glorious views it was almost pleasant out....especially when there was a gust of a breeze (we must have looked like crazy people going from breeze to breeze looking almost as if we were high on the cooler air).
I have to make a serious complaint though about the design of wheelchairs....why black? Black is not safe at night, it's not sensible in the heat & all in all I can see no logical reason for black (every summer I have days where sitting in my chair is painful because it gets so hot, I do not envy wheelchair users in hotter parts of the world).

As you can see in the pictures I took my film camera with me & took some (hopefully) lovely pictures of the flowers & grasses & so on that they have everywhere, I particularly liked some of the seed heads on the flowers in the shop section (Yorkshire Lavender sells a lot of herbs & lavender & wild flowers in like a garden centre type area). It was surprisingly nice not using my digital camera or thinking about blog posts or scrapbooking or whatever whilst I was taking photos :)

The outfit was 90% really old bits & pieces; the hat was from H&M ages ago, the jacket & top were from miss Selfridges about 6/7 years ago, the capris were from George at ASDA's spring collection & the sandals & handbag were from Zara quite a while ago.

How have you guys been surviving the heat wave? Have you had any fun expeditions because of it?

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